E-mail Demo (step 1)

This program sends an e-mail based on a form field (in this case the zip code). This might be used if you wanted to send email to different locations or persons depending on city or state of origin

To demo this, enter two different e-mail addresses and two different zip codes (an actual e-mail will be sent so they should be active e-mail accounts), then press the submit button.

Notice: Undefined variable: message in /home/ml3ubdas8qjn/domains/44rock.com/html/port/email.php on line 94

Notice: Undefined variable: star in /home/ml3ubdas8qjn/domains/44rock.com/html/port/email.php on line 98

Notice: Undefined variable: star in /home/ml3ubdas8qjn/domains/44rock.com/html/port/email.php on line 102

Notice: Undefined variable: star in /home/ml3ubdas8qjn/domains/44rock.com/html/port/email.php on line 109

Notice: Undefined variable: star in /home/ml3ubdas8qjn/domains/44rock.com/html/port/email.php on line 113